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Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, Sept. 5

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Thank you for your kind attention to and support of the School Sisters of St. Francis last Sunday during their mission appeal. If you didn’t get a chance to leave a donation for the Sisters, you can still drop a donation in the basket today or next Sunday – either place it in an envelope marked “Mission Appeal” or write the same in the memo line of a check. I was inspired by how many of the older Sisters do not let their age get in the way of continuing to serve. God wants to continue using all of us to accomplish His plans – no matter how old or young each of us are!

Both Sister Mary and Sister Tony repeatedly told me what a beautiful parish we have. They were excited to see so many children and young families. I hear similar comments on a regular basis from visitors who stop to chat after Mass. Thank you to everyone for always being so welcoming, and especially for being welcoming and encouraging to young families at Mass with their children. It is great to receive such encouraging feedback and it makes me even more excited for the bright future for our parish!

Labor Day this weekend marks the traditional end of summer. At the 11 a.m. Mass the Sunday following, the 12th, we will begin using incense again on a weekly basis. The 4:30 p.m. Saturday and 7:30 a.m. Sunday Masses will continue to be incense-free. It has been great to have the choir back at the 11 a.m. Mass as well!

Next Saturday, I will participate in interviews with candidates for the diaconate as a part of my role as a member of the diocesan Deaconate Scrutiny Board. Please pray for these men discerning a call to a life of service in the diaconate.

Recent read: Love in the Ruins: The adventures of a bad Catholic at a time near the end of the world by Walker Percy. This is one of Percy’s “mature” works in which he is at the height of his writing prowess. Of interest is also the almost prophetic way in which he foresees divisions in contemporary American society. The book was published in 1971 and its “end times” look an awful lot like today.

St. John the Evangelist, pray for us!

Yours in Christ,

Father Royce Gregerson

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo,

Gracias por su amable atención y apoyo el domingo pasado a las Hermanas Escolares de San Francisco durante su apelación misionero. Si no tuvo la oportunidad de dejar una donación para las Hermanas, todavía puede dejar una donación hoy en la cesta o el próximo domingo, o bien colocarla en un sobre marcado como “Apelación Misionero” o escribirla en la línea de memo de un cheque. Me inspiró la cantidad de Hermanas Mayores que no dejan que su edad se interponga en el camino de seguir sirviendo. Dios quiere continuar usando a todos nosotros para lograr Sus planes, ¡sin importar cuán viejo o joven sea cada uno de nosotros!

Tanto la hermana Mary como la hermana Tony me dijeron repetidamente lo hermosa que es la nuestra parroquia. Estaban emocionadas de ver a tantos niños y familias jóvenes. Escucho comentarios similares de forma regular de los visitantes que se detienen a charlar después de la Misa. Gracias a todos por ser siempre tan acogedores, y especialmente por ser acogedores y alentadores para las familias jóvenes con hijos en la Misa. ¡Es genial recibir comentarios tan alentadores y me emociona aún más por el futuro brillante de nuestra parroquia!

El próximo sábado, participaré en entrevistas con candidatos para el diaconado como parte de mi papel como miembro de la Junta de Escrutinio del Diaconado diocesano. Por favor, oren por estos hombres que disciernen un llamado a una vida de servicio en el diaconado.

¡San Juan Evangelista, ruega por nosotros!

Suyo en Cristo,

Padre Royce Gregerson



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