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Pastor's Weekly Update: Sunday, Oct. 3rd

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Last Sunday we kicked off the Annual Bishop’s Appeal. Many people have already returned pledges and we are so thankful for your generosity and your promptness. For those who have not yet made a pledge, thank you for prayerfully considering the way that the Lord is calling you to sacrificial generosity in support of the local Church. The Annual Bishop’s Appeal is critical for the financial health not only of our Diocese but also of our parish.

After receiving the final results from last year’s Appeal, we met and exceeded our goal for the first time in many years. If everyone works together, we will have no problem doing so again. Our most important target is to have 100% participation! All of us have a part to play in supporting our Church. If we average $100 per family or parishioner, we will meet and exceed our goal. Any money collected over our goal comes back to our parish.

On Saturday, I am excited to officiate the wedding of my sister Emily. Please pray for her and her soon-to-be husband, Matthew. I will be gone all next weekend spending time with my family and helping my parents host the family dinner, rehearsal dinner, reception, and send-off brunch. It seems like weddings get more complicated all the time.

After a long string of weddings this season, my sister’s is my last one of the year. If you are considering approaching the Sacrament of Matrimony next year, or know someone who is, please get in touch with us soon as six months’ preparation are necessary for this sacrament. Wedding times at St. John’s also fill up quickly during the summer and fall months so it is important to reserve early.

Recent read: First Things 314: June/July 2021 (True feminism, political divisions, friendship, the decline of literary studies, the modern social theorist Regis Debray’s path from revolutionary to reactionary, and the conversion of author Paul Kingsnorth)

St. John the Evangelist, pray for us!

Yours in Christ,

Father Royce Gregerson



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 Tel: 574-533-9480

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