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The Disciple Maker Index Survey

Last week, we debuted our series on a new four-year partnership with the Catholic Leadership Institute called Next Generation Parish. We defined the goal of this initiative as shifting our parish culture to one focused on discipleship. This culture shift will occur in four phases. The first phase involves our coach gathering information to measure the status of our current culture in our parish. We are currently in the first phase at St. John’s.

The coach will determine how well we are accomplishing our goal through two avenues. Our coach completed the first avenue by conducting an onsite visit on October 13th and 14th. He interviewed clergy, staff, and other key leaders, asking specific questions on discipleship in our parish. It was the first time people from our congregation were able to meet our coach in person. It was a positive experience, and we look forward to working with him in the future.

The second avenue our coach will gather information is to distribute a survey called “The Disciple Maker Index.” The Disciple Maker Index is a survey tool that allows parishioners to reflect on their spiritual growth and discipleship. It will ask questions on each person’s attitudes and beliefs, relationships and satisfaction in the parish, how much one participates in their faith and the parish, and compile demographic information. The survey will debut on Saturday, November 2, and Sunday, November 3, at all six of our Masses.

We ask as many parishioners as possible to fill out this survey and to do so honestly. We are not looking for the textbook answer to these questions, but the honest answer. The candid responses will help us develop a plan that meets our current needs within the parish to build a culture of discipleship. As we get closer to the distribution weekend, we will provide instructions on how to fill out the surveys. Continue to pray for this endeavor that God’s plan for our parish can continue to be known and lived!

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