St. John’s is a very active parish with a lot going on. Below are some of the ways that you can become involved with our parish.
Fiscal Update
​Standing by our commitment to fiscal transparency, the pastor of St. John the Evangelist, in consultation with the Finance Council, submits the following report to our parish and welcomes further discussion over any questions or concerns.
En cumplimiento a nuestro compromiso con la transparencia fiscal, el párroco de San Juan Evangelista, junto con el Comité de Finanzas, presenta el siguiente informe a nuestra parroquia y estan disponibles para una conversaciones sobre cualquier pregunta o inquietud.
Finance Committee
​Members of this ministry review with the pastor the parish finances and offer advice in administering the ecclesiastical goods of the parish according to applicable rules and laws.
Father Brian Florin - Pastor Father Oscar Duarte - Parochial Vicar
Cindy Wiederman - Business Manager
Rosa Alba-Member
Jerry Eakle - Member
Bill Kercher - Member
Daniel Martin-Member
Virginia Munoz - Member
Ethan Ridenour - Member
​Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults - RCIA-is a program for the formation of adults who desire to enter into the Catholic church. The lectures and discussion sessions are supplemented by special mass liturgies, a retreat, sacramental preparation and social activities. The RCIA offers possibilities for adult education for present parishioners as well as participation in the program itself as support people, mentors and prayer partners.
George and Dawn Fattal
Knights of Columbus
A charitable service organization since 1882, is open to all men. The Knights still uphold their founding principals of charity, unity and fraternity.
Ed Ahlersmeyer-Grand Knight
Good Reads
Popular Devotions and Theology
5 Steps to a Financially Healthy Marriage