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Mission, Vision and Philosophy


Since 1868, St. John the Evangelist Catholic School has provided a challenging curriculum and a place for children to strengthen their relationship with God, as they strive to be lifelong learners. Our focus on Faith and academics makes this a truly special place where students can soar spiritually, morally, and intellectually.


St. John the Evangelist Catholic School, as a vital extension of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Parish, is committed to developing the whole student: spiritually, academically, morally, socially, and physically in order to develop life skills and to contribute positively to society.


The patron of our parish school is St. John the Evangelist, the close friend of Jesus, our Savior. Repeatedly in the scriptures, St. John reiterates, "Love one another...Love others as Jesus loves us... Laying down his life for us." This is the principle by which we are guided and the atmosphere we aim to provide, not only during a formal religion class, but every moment of the day. In the awareness of others, the sensitivity to the needs of our parish and community, we are called to serve others by prayer, sacrifice, and the various calls to action.


We Catholic teachers put forth a sincere effort to teach doctrine through formal classes, to conduct discussions in an inquiring climate, and to direct meaningful worship celebrations. We realize that religious and moral development is taught through example as well as words. We hope to build a faith community here as the Mystical Body of Christ.

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Church Physical Address:

417 S. Main St., Goshen, IN 46526 


Church Mailing Address:

422 S. Main St., Goshen, IN 46526

Tel: 574-533-3385


School Address:

117 W. Monroe St., Goshen, IN 46526
 Tel: 574-533-9480

Website design by Freshlime Digital Marketing. Photos and Videos by Sapp Photo.

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