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Lent 2019: the 1% Challenge
Here is our last installment detailing our Lenten Initiatives, the 1% Challenge. The 1% Challenge comes from a group in Wisconsin called...
Family Morning of Recollection
This is our third blog post in regards to our 2019 “Meet Jesus” themed Lent. Our focus now turns to the March Morning of Recollection on...
Meet Jesus
It’s been quite a year for our parish! This year we decided to dedicate as a "Year of Prayer". The Bible teaches us the importance of...
Year of Prayer
The future is bright at St. John’s! The Holy Spirit is working among His people and we believe great things are in store for our parish...
Grow Together
This past summer we held six fireside chats. 80 people attended those six chats. Lots of information was shared, but if you had to ask...
You may have heard “Spiritual Development Plan” or “Evangelization Plan” spoken around the parish throughout the year. You may be...
Next Steps
On Wednesday August 1 we hosted our “Fireside Chat” celebration event. The event served to thank all those who hosted or attended the...
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