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Pastor's Weekly Message: Sunday, May 2
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are excited for our First Holy Communions for the students of our Spanish religious education...

Sermon: The Trophies of His Love (18 April, 2021)
“Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.” Hands and feet are not normally how we would identify an unknown person. But Christ...

Pastor's Weekly Message: Sunday, April 18, 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we announced last Sunday, today you will notice some changes in our social distancing procedures....

New Social Distancing Procedures for Weekend Masses
Dear Parishioner, This weekend, at Masses you will notice: •Entrance is still through the north doors only for the next few weeks so that...

Pastor's Weekly Message: April 11, 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection continues as we celebrate the Octave Day of Easter. This...

Easter Sermon: The Prince of Life Reigns Immortal
“Death and life have contended in that combat stupendous: The Prince of life, who died, reigns immortal.” With these words, the beautiful...

Pastor's Easter Message: April 4, 2021
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Whether you are visiting St. John’s for the first time or are a life-long parishioner, we are glad...
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