St. John the Evangelist Curriculum
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School is part of the Fort Wayne-South Bend Diocese in Northern Indiana. St. John the Evangelist Catholic School strives to provide high quality academic and religious education for our students.
We teach the Indiana State Standards for all academic subject areas. Our goal is curriculum continuity with an integration of Christian philosophy. Schools in our Diocese have been working in partnership with Notre Dame University's Alliance for Catholic Education implementing an Initiative for Excellence regarding curriculum, instruction, and assessment. This partnership works to ensure that students are challenged to be global thinkers and problem solvers while mastering the Indiana State Standards. Our St. John students participate in the Indiana statewide ILEARN testing and have reached exemplary status in all years that the ILEARN measure has been in existence.
Our challenging academic program is led by qualified, state licensed teachers. Our staff members participate in current teacher trainings to enhance the teaching strategies they implement while working with their students. Their teaching methodologies vary depending upon the subject and their students' needs.
St. John the Evangelist Catholic School follows the Goshen Community School calendar. In addition, St. John families may also participate in the Federal school free/reduced lunch program.
The most important aspect of St. John the Evangelist Catholic School is our comprehensive Christian environment. Spiritual growth is a part of every school day and includes instruction in the Catholic faith and Christian living. We strive daily to celebrate and live our faith for Jesus.